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Christian Worker's Certificate
First Semester, 2025

(Year 1)

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Please note that the Christian Worker's Certificate is both a standalone certificate and the first year of the Certificate of Ministry (a 3 year course).

Attendance and texbooks

Classes are conducted online (normally via zoom but a few through Skype) with live attendance required. Registration is due by January 28th, 2025.

Textbooks should be purchased before the start of class whenever possible. 

1st Semester 2025 Term Dates:

Term Dates                         
Term 1: 3 February - 3 April
Term 2: 28 April - 26 June

Monday Classes 

Survey of Bible Doctrines
Times: 9:30am - 11:20am
Lecturer: Kevin Currell

Subject Description:
This subject gives an overview of all the major doctrines in the Bible. It is designed to show their relationship to each other, and their practical value in the life of the believer today. It also serves as an introduction to all other doctrine classes.

The Great Doctrines of the Bible - William Evans (more than one ISBN)

Bible Study Methods
Times: 3:30pm - 5:20pm
Lecturer: Alan Parry

Subject Description:
This subject focuses on learning the basic Bible study skills to properly interpret the Word of God. The student learns to do basic inductive Bible study and word studies according to proper interpretative principles.

Please note that students need only purchase and read one of the following textbooks.
Living by the Book, Howard G. Hendricks and William D. Hendricks, Moody Press
How to Study the Bible For Yourself (30th Anniversary Edition) by Tim Lahaye

Manners and Customs
Times: 7pm - 9:30pm
Lecturer: Kevin Currell

Subject Description:
This subject equips the student with a greater knowledge about what it was like to live during Bible times in the land of Israel. It teaches how people did various activities (manners) and how people interacted with each other (customs). It also provides the student with essential information about such things as geography, climate, political and social factors, and language. The student comes to appreciate the necessity for every Christian to understand these fundamental (everyday) matters in order to avoid confusion, frustration, poor exegesis, and even false doctrine.

Essential Bible Insights - Kevin Currell (sourced by VBBC $25)

Tuesday Classes

Old Testament Survey*
*This class will continue into the 2nd Semester
This is a recorded class, but students are required to pick a set time and day to watch the weekly videos. Contact admin if you'd like to try and take this as a group with other students.
Lecturer: Richard Hester (rec.)

Subject Description:
This subject studies each book in the Old Testament with the purpose of giving the student a comprehension of the Old Testament as a whole. In the course of study, the student will read the entire Old Testament while receiving an overview of each book, insight into how it fits in with the rest of the Bible, and a basic outline and exposition of the book. Key information is also given regarding authorship of each book, its historical and cultural background, its place in the time line of biblical history, etc.

Old Testament Survey by Hester (sourced by VBBC textbook is $20 and the workbook is $15)

IT and Ministry*
Times: 7pm - 8:50pm
Lecturer: Peter Tesch
*First term only

Subject Description:
This subject is intended to give the student the understanding of technological tools – both software and hardware – that can aid in the ministry. It aims to help the student maximize the use of IT for the furtherance of the Gospel.

“The Next Story: Faith, Friends, Family, and the Digital World” by Tim Challies

Thursday Class

New Testament Survey
Times: 7pm - 8:50pm
Lecturer: Robert Apps

Subject Description:
This subject studies each book in the New Testament with the purpose of giving the student a comprehension of the New Testament as a whole. In the course of study, the student will read the entire New Testament while receiving an overview of each book, insight into how it fits in with the rest of the Bible, and a basic outline and exposition of the book. Key information is also given regarding authorship of each book, its historical and cultural background, its place in the time line of biblical history, etc.

New Testament Survey by Hester (sourced by VBBC textbook is $20 and the workbook is $15)

Textbooks should be purchased before the start of class whenever possible

Bible Study Meth